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The Quality and Inclusion team offer training through:

  • A termly programme of CPD sessions which are delivered virtually and/or in-person
  • A ‘virtual library’ of recorded training sessions which can be requested and viewed at a time that suits you
  • INSET or group training
  • Network/briefing sessions (for leaders and managers of early years settings and childminders)

These are available to all Early Years Practitioners (EYPs) in Lewisham. EYPs can attend as many sessions as they need to although some sessions will have limits or only allow one EYP per setting.

EYPs can book onto training session through Early Years Online using their provider log-ins.

*please note not all training sessions will be run each term and some additional sessions may be added according to need. The training programme is reviewed and developed termly to meet the needs of providers.

Supporting SEND in the Early Years

Alongside this we offer, in collaboration with the early years SEND partnership, weekly sessions for EYPs wanting to develop their confidence, skills and understanding in working with children with SEND. These weekly sessions are held from 3.30-4.30 on the same day each week (a different day each year) and the programme is set a year in advance so you can plan which sessions to attend. Please be aware that the programme is updated every 6 weeks to allow for any necessary changes.

Virtual library

TBC! We currently have the following sessions available to request to view:

Introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Two Year Old Progress Check

Developing an inclusive learning environment

Building Positive relationships with parents and carers

Getting ready for Ofsted for PVI nurseries and Childminders

The Learning Walk for PVI nurseries and Childminders

Joint observations for PVI nurseries and Childminders

Supporting young children with English as an additional language (EAL) in your setting

Regulation - Understanding and supporting behaviour

INSET/Group training

We also offer group training for whole early years settings, collaborations, groups of childminders and nursery chains. Group training can be delivered in person, either at the setting or our training venue. They can also be delivered virtually.

PVI settings in Lewisham are able to request one free INSET session per academic year from our INSET/group training menu. Bespoke training can be created dependant on capacity.

PVI settings with an Ofsted judgement of less than good are able to access INSET/group training sessions as identified with their linked adviser in line with the settings development plan.