Welcome to our Lewisham Early Years Providers training page.

Whether it’s developing people’s skills and knowledge through training or bringing colleagues together at an event, our teams deliver training and events that reflect your current needs.

Please see our programme for spring term 2025 below; those that are highlighted are available to book her, just scroll to the bottom of this page where you see 'Events'. You will need an account and be a Lewisham Early Years Childcare Provider to book.

Early Years Spring Term 2025 Training

Early Years Provider Briefing
Wednesday 12th February
10-11am or 7-8pm
For PVI Managers and Childminders
Updates on the latest local and national policy relating to the EYFS framework, Ofsted regulations and current initiatives as well as funding updates. There will also be a focus on speech and language with guest speakers.
EYFS Leaders in Schools Network Meeting
Tuesday 11th February
For EYFS Leaders in Schools
Updates on the latest local and national policy relating to the EYFS framework, Ofsted regulations, current initiatives and much more including outdoor learning.


(face to face)

Tuesday 25th February


Kaleidoscope, 32 Rushey Green, London, SE6 4JF


Updates, information and professional development for SENCO's working in nurseries. This session will include a guest speaker and updates on the changes to SEN Inclusion funding for September.
Let's get physical!
Physical development with under 2's
(face to face)
Thursday 27th February
at 9:30am-12pm or Thursday 27th March
Camelot Centre 50 Meliot Road, SE6 1RY
Practitioners working with 3 and 4 year olds
This is an opportunity for baby room practitioners to expand their knowledge and practice around the physical development of under two year olds. You will gain lots of ideas how to support your youngest with their physical development.
Boom! Boom!
Shake the Room!

Playing with sounds
(face to face)
Thursday 20th March 9:30am - 12pm or Thursday 27th March at 1pm - 3:30pm
Camelot Centre 50 Meliot Road, SE6 1RY
Practitioners working with under 2 year olds
This course explores early phonics teaching and learning and discusses how Phase One of Sounds and Letters lays the foundations of children’s early literacy development. You will come away with fun ways to embed phonics skills into your setting and make a fun part of children's everyday learning.
Network Meeting

Tuesday 25th March
PVI Managers and DSL's
This session will include a guest speaker and we will also be looking at the importance of the role of DSL in supporting practitioners and families.
EYFS Network at
Primary School

(face to face)
No need to book, just turn up if you can
Wednesday 26th March
Ashmead Primary School
Ashmead Road, SE8 4DX
All Early Years Practitioners
This is an informal session where we come together at a Lewisham school to see and share good practice. There will be opportunity to look around the provision and hear about the hosting schools experiences and how they have led improvement in their EYFS.
Early Entitlement
Provider Portal Training
Wednesday 19th February
10-11am or 7-8pm
Lewisham Eligible Providers
This session is for our eligible providers only and will focus on portal training and funding briefing. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions regarding the portal and funding.
Supporting SEND
Early Years
Every Monday during term time only
All Early Years Practitioners
There is no need to book for these sessions. Please email early.years@lewisham.gov.uk to request the 2024-25 programme, this will also contain the Zoom link (remains the same throughout the year's programme).

Additional Training

Please note that these are not Lewisham Early Years training, but we think that you might find them useful.

London South Stronger
Practice Hub
Mental Health and Well
being Webinar – Teaching
strategies to regulate
emotions in a clam
nurturing environment
Two part webinar exploring the EEF's practice recommendations drawn from research evidence. Daniela Jamois, assistant head for EYs at Charles Dickens Primary School and nursery will make the link between the research and the practice giving
practical advice on how to improve our interactions and environments for all children.

Please click on the link for further

Events | Stronger Practice Hubs

Department of Education
Early Years Child Development Training
This free, online training provides an overview of child development and gives practical advice for supporting the development of children in your early years setting, including reception years. Each training module on this site covers an important area of child development and has been written by early years experts, working with the Department for Education.

Please click on this link for further information

Early years child child development training:

Home page


Title Occurences  
Boom! Boom! Shake the Room! Playing with sounds (face to face) 2 in 1 locations View & Book
Early Years Provider Briefing - (virtual) 2 in 1 locations View & Book
Early Years Provider Portal Training - (virtual) 2 in 1 locations View & Book
Let’s get physical! Physical development with under 2s - (face to face) 2 in 1 locations View & Book
PVI DSL Network Meeting - (virtual) 1 in 1 locations View & Book
PVI SENCO Forum - (face to face) 1 in 1 locations View & Book