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All settings that provide care for children aged 0-5 must meet safeguarding and welfare requirements as set out in Section 3 of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.

To access this document and any updates to the EYFS:  Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK

The Quality and Inclusion team are experienced and expert Early Years and Childcare Advisers offering support, guidance, challenge and training to ensure the Statutory Requirements of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) are met.

Quality and Inclusion Team Contacts 

Worried about a child suffering from harm?

If you are concerned that a child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse, please contact Lewisham Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) who can discuss this with you:

During office hours (Monday – Friday):
Lewisham’s MASH 020 8314 6660

Out of Office hours:
Emergency Duty Team – 020 8314 6000 If a child is at immediate risk of harm, call the Police on 999.

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

The LADO is responsible for managing all child protection allegations made against staff and volunteers who work with children and young people in Lewisham.

You should make contact with the LADO when there is an allegation that a person who works with children or young people in connection to their voluntary or employment activities has:

  • possibly committed a criminal offence related to or against a child.
  • behaved in a way that may have or has harmed a child.
  • behaved towards a child or children in a way that suggests they could pose a risk or harm to children.
  • behaved in a way that suggests they might not be suitable to work with or volunteer with children.

To make a referral to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), please email LewishamLADO@Lewisham.gov.uk
Phone: 020 8314 7280

If you are unable to contact the LADO directly please contact the MASH who will give advice and forward a message to the LADO. The MASH number is 020 8314 6660 and the email address is MashAgency@Lewisham.gov.uk.

Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership

The LSCP will work closely with the Safer Lewisham Partnership, Lewisham Adult Safeguarding Board and Lewisham Health and Well Being Board to develop better integration and more efficient and effective safeguarding arrangements throughout the borough. Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership - LSCP 

LSCP Professionals pages provide key information, resources and links to support you in work to safeguard children. Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership - Welcome to the Professionals pages