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Lewisham Parent Champions

What are Lewisham Parent Champions?

Parent Champions are volunteers who talk to other parents / carers in their local area and signpost them to local services. Parent Champions also promote the free early education entitlements for the Government scheme for 9-month-olds, 2-year-olds, and 3&4-year-olds.

Our Parent Champions must live in the borough of Lewisham and must be available to do outreach for a minimum of two hours per week.

Lewisham Parent Champion scheme is part of the Parent Champion national network which is supported by the Coram Family and Childcare Trust. Coram currently has 43 schemes throughout the country, including many of the London Boroughs which it supports.

The Link below will tell you more.

Become a Parent Champion | Family and Childcare Trust

Parent Champions are supported through training, a dedicated team, regular team meetings and support from existing Parent Champions.

Below is a link to a video about Parent Champions which you may find useful.

The benefits for Parent Champions and their communities - YouTube

Lewisham Parent Champion Team wants you!

Please email parentchampion@lewisham.gov.uk for a friendly chat.

Parent Champion Recruitment Flyer

Books Together Lewisham Spring 2025 Flyer