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Welcome to Lewisham Early Years!

We are really excited about the potential this media option offers with 24/7 accessibility and content designed to meet the needs of early years providers, partners and other stakeholders. 

The Early Years Quality and Sufficiency Service  (EYQSS) is made up of three teams:

  • The Quality and Inclusion Team
  • The Early Entitlement Team
  • The Family Information Service

In addition to this we have a small business support team that maintains the Lewisham Early Years Online platform. 

Our Vision

The service provides a high quality effective service, which champions the best possible start for all children 0-5, focusing on closing the disadvantage gap and enabling them to fulfil their potential. Working together with early year’s providers and services to ensure high quality sufficient, and flexible provision that meets the needs of Lewisham families and delivers inclusive and accessible early years education through a child centred, play based, and developmental pedagogy.

Our Mission Statement and Core Purpose

To ensure the highest quality, inclusive and accessible early years education and childcare for ALL children and families in Lewisham.