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Healthy Early Years London

Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) is an awards scheme funded by the Mayor of London which supports and recognises achievements in child health, wellbeing and development in early years settings.

Building on the success of Healthy Schools London, HEYL will help to reduce health inequalities by supporting a healthy start to life across themes that include healthy eating, oral and physical health and early cognitive development.

HEYL complements and enhances the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage framework, adding to the focus on children, families and staff health and wellbeing.

There are 3 levels of Awards – Bronze, Silver and Gold. From September 2024 onwards, early years settings do not need to complete their First Steps and can apply for the Bronze Award after registration.

The awards can be used to improve and support practice in all Early Years settings:

  • Private, voluntary and independent nurseries
  • Children’s centres
  • Childminders
  • Early Years in schools including schools with two-year old provision
  • Nursery schools
  • Crèches and Stay & Plays

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Mayor launches Healthy Early Years London