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Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC)

Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) programme has been successfully running the Being a Parent (BAP) course since January 2023 in various venues in Lewisham, such as schools, libraries, children, and family centres.

EPEC is a volunteer-led, evidence-based parenting programme, it is supported by the NHS and ‘The Centre for Parent and Child Support’. “Empowering Parents Empowering Communities is about improving children’s mental health, empowering parents and transforming family life.”

Family Information Service offers Parent Group leader training to parents who wish to develop facilitating skills and lead the Being a parent group. The training consists of 10 weekly sessions (term time only) and includes assessment and certification.

Our fully trained PGLs facilitate Being a Parent (BAP) course to other parents to learn practical parenting toolkit for everyday life and bring up confident, happy, and cooperative children. Being a parent course is suitable for parents with 2–11-year-old children.

For information and registration of interest:

Email: fis@lewisham.gov.uk

Telephone: 020 8314 3940

Empowering Parents Empowering Communities - Parent Group Leader Training Spring 2025:

Civic Suite, Catford


Tuesday, 9:30am to 2:30pm starting 21 January 2025

For 10 weeks. (term-time only)

Being a Parent Course

EPEC Being a Parent course empowers parents and carers of children ages 2 to 11 years. This is a free service that will benefit children and families. It is designed to help parents learn practical communication skills and positive parenting techniques.

Introduction to EPEC:

  • EPEC courses successfully integrate behaviour change with adult learning.
  • Each course session is highly interactive involving an engaging and creative blend of small and large group discussion, role play, demonstrations, information sharing and reflection.
  • Parents practice and use new skills in everyday life to achieve specific goals.

EPEC aims to improve child development and outcomes, parenting and family resilience. EPEC courses combine the latest developmental science and theory with well-evidenced parenting strategies and methods involving:

  • Attachment and parent-child relationships.
  • Understanding and managing children’s feelings and parents’ emotional regulation.
  • Parenting roles, expectations, and culture.
  • Parent listening, communication, play and interaction skills.
  • Positive behaviour management and discipline strategies.
  • Managing parent and family stress.

 Below are some of the feedbacks we received from BAP parents:

  • The course made me reflect a lot about my parenting and childcare work, and it highlighted the ones I’m doing right and some parts of what I can improve. I would recommend it to all parents and even to teachers! --- parent from St. Mary’s CoE Primary school.
  • Feeling heard and understood, my opinion was accepted without any judgement --- parent from Kelvin Grove
  • EPEC has helped me realise my value, and that being good enough is okay. I now look after myself so I can be happy to look after my family. ---parent from St. Laurence Community Hall
  • I enjoy engaging with other parents and learning from each other, I made new friends, and I am not alone --- parent from Catford Library
  • Improved how I communicate, not only with my children, but also with my husband and friends. --- parent from Downham Library
  • There is now less shouting, and I try to use my I statement. The children are more aware of consequences, and we are more cohesive as a family. --- parent from St. John Baptist Primary school
  • I highly recommend Being a parent to all parents. I see the difference in my children’s behaviour and for myself, I manage to set up household rules and express myself better using the CHOCS. --- parent from Downham Library

Currently running BAP Spring 2025 in these venues:

John Ball Primary School:

Southvale Road, Blackheath SE3 0TP

Tuesday 10am-12pm starting from 21st of January 2025

for 8 weeks. (term-time only)


Myatt Garden Primary School:

Rokeby Road, London SE4 1DF

Wednesday, 10am-12pm starting from 22nd of January 2025

for 8 weeks. (term-time only)


St. Winifred Catholic Primary School:

Newstead Road SE12 0SJ

Thursday, 10am to 12pm starting from 30 January 2025

for 8 weeks. (term-time only)