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Business Information - Early Years Toolkit

EY Business InformationEarly Years Toolkit – fantastic free resources from Childcare Works to help you run your childcare business.

Childcare Works have recently launched a new ‘Early Years Toolkit’ Early Years Toolkit | from Childcare Works.  It has been curated by experts to bring together everything you need to grow, sustain or start your childcare provision.  It is designed for all types of providers at any stage of their journey.  Whether you are just starting out, are sustaining your provision, or growing, you will find informative, relevant content.

The volume of information available to support providers can be overwhelming.  The purpose of this toolkit is to bring this wealth of knowledge together in one place.  It contains information specific to operating childcare provision, plus more general information for businesses, childminders and charities, including expert marketing, HR and leadership and management, partnership working and much, much more.  

Content is organised into six ‘topics’:

  • Business Planning
  • Business Growth
  • Running of Your Childcare Provision
  • Leadership and Management
  • Partnership Working
  • SEND and Inclusive Practice

Each topic contains sub-topics to make finding relevant content easy.  To support the different needs of providers Childcare Works  Childcare Works - childcareworks.org.uk have included information in a range of formats such as guides, learning, toolkits, templates, articles, case studies and much more.  Each resource included in the toolkit is available without cost. 

We particularly like and recommend the following sections:

1. Digital and Social Media Marketing

An introduction to social media, how to start a campaign and a guide to all the jargon….

2. Marketing for Childcare Providers

    Links and articles from various organisations to help you promote your business and boost your attendance. 

    • Have a look here
    • There is a 13-minute video on ‘understanding occupancy’ and how to calculate it, watch it by clicking here

    3. Contracts and Locations

      Ever wondered about permissions for signs and adverts?  Considering buying a minibus? Thinking about expanding but not sure where to start with Planning Permission?

      • Click here for Contracts and Locations in the Business Planning Section.

      4. Financial Planning

        A selection of useful information and tools to help you with the financial side of your business. 

        • This video is aimed specifically at the childcare market and have been written with the expansion of the early entitlements in mind. You can view the video here
        • You will find information on how to put together a cashflow forecast, conducting a PEST analysis, calculating your ‘breakeven’ and putting financial controls in place
        • Have a look at the full selection of articles and links here